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李金瑛 副教授兼副教務長暨校務發展研究辦公室主任


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辦公室 3F教師研究室(第一教學大樓) 實驗室














英文 , 寫作, 閱讀, 文法

研究領域 英語教學,閱讀,寫作,詞彙
  • Lee, C.Y. & Lin, C.C. (2014). Congruency Effects on Collocational Performance of Second Language Learners: Adjective-noun Type of Collocations. 2014 International Conference on English Education Theme: Connection, Communication and Collaboration. April 19-20, 2014.
  • Lee, C.Y. & Lin, C.C. (2014). Cross-linguistic Influence on L2 Collocation Congruency: A Survey of L2 Learner’s Conceptions. The 31st International Conference on English Teaching & Learning. May 17-18, 2014.
  • Lee, C.Y. & Lin, C.C. (2013). Evaluation on second language collocational congruency with computational semantic similarity. PACLIC27 CALL Workshop. 534-541. Nov. 21, 2013.
  • Lee, C.Y. & Lin, C.C. (2012). Effects of computational semantic measures on L2 collocation analysis.  In the Proceedings of the 15th International CALL Research Conference, 375­-381. 24-27 May, 2012. Providence University, Taichung, Taiwan.
  • Lee, C.Y. (2013). Analysis of cross-linguistic effects on L2 collocation learning: A think-aloud method. 2013 Conference for English Teaching: Theory & Practice. 14-23. May 31
  • Lee, C.Y. (2010). Effects of CALL-based Speech Text on Collaborative Listening: A Shadowing Approach. The Ninth Annual Wenshan International Conference. May 29, 2010. Chengchi University, Taipei, Taiwan.
  • Lee, C.Y. (2010). Lexical pragmatics in second language learning: A corpus-based approach. In Pre-conference Proceeding of Asian EFL Journal International Conference 2010. April 23-25. Providence University, Taiwan. 375-386.
  • Lee, C.Y. (2009). Corpus Application to Business Email Writing: A Genre-based Approach. In Proceeding of 2009 International Conference on Applied Linguistics & Language Teaching. April 16~18, 2009.
  • Lee, C.Y. & Liu, J.S. (2009). Effects of collocation information on learning lexical semantics for near synonym distinction. International Journal of Computational Linguistics and Chinese Language Processing, 14(2), 205-220. (THCI-Core)
  • Lee, C.Y. (2008). A study on Internet dictionary use within EFL context: applications and criteria. Journal of Applied English. 1, 155-169.
  • Liu, J.S., Hung, P.C. & Lee, C.Y. (2008). A language information retrieval approach to writing assistance. International Journal of Computational Linguistics and Chinese Language Processing, 13(3), 279-306. (THCI-Core)
  • Liu, J.S., Hong, P.J. & Lee, C.Y. (2007). Sentence Recommendation Approach to Using Corpora for English Writing Assistance. 2007 ROCLING Conference. Taipei: National Taiwan University. 5-19.
  • Lee, C.Y., Yan, C.Y., & Tsai, C.F. (2007). Code-switching in Medical Communication: Functions and Pedagogical Implications for Nursing Practitioners. In Proceeding of the International Conference on English Education, 76-92. Taipei: Shih Chien University. April, 28, 2007
  • Lee, C.Y., Yan, C.Y., & Tsai, C.F. (2006). Application of code-switching in medical communication: Institutional context of nursing practitioners. Journal of Applied English TNIT, 1, 13-28.
  • Jyi-Shane Liu & C.Y. Lee. (2006). Extracting Structured Subject Information from Digital Document Archives, In Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Asian Digital Libraries, Kyoto, JAPAN, November 27-30, 2006. 141-150.
  • Lee, C. Y., Hayes, H. & Barie, P. (2010). Going Abroad (6th ed.), Taipei: Gau Li Book Co.
  • Lee, C. Y., Lin, Z.D., Wong, C.K., Tu, C.Y., Tsai, S. C., & Lee, C.W. (2006).

Unplug 1: Strategic Reading and Conversation.  Taipei: Princeton.

  • Lee, C. Y., Lin, Z.D., Wong, C.K., Tu, C.Y., Tsai, S. C., & Lee, C.W. (2006).

Unplug 2:. Strategic Reading and Conversation.  Taipei: Princeton.

  • Lee, C. Y., Lin, Z.D., Wong, C.K., Tu, C.Y., Tsai, S. C., & Lee, C.W. (2006).

Unplug 3: Strategic Reading and Conversation.  Taipei: Princeton.


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102學年 獲選國立台灣師範大學英語系推薦為:斐陶斐榮譽會員

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